Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management works with several county departments, the cities, schools and citizens to prepare the county for emergency situations that may arise. Through these efforts a countywide Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) is developed that lay out how to respond in certain situations should the need arise. Emergency Management also oversees the operation of our tornado and winter weather shelters when they are opened to the public for use during an event. 

Some of the most likely hazards that we may face in Kearny County include:

  • Severe Weather
  • Tornadoes
  • Fire
  • Winter Storms 

There are other less likely hazards that have also been planned for and are included in the EOP that is reviewed and updated regularly.

To help you prepare for emergencies before they happen we have published the Emergency Preparedness Brochure.


Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Jerrad Webb Emergency Management 620.355.8633